The 5 Benefits of a Coffee Detox

Coffee detox – two words that can ruin your whole morning?! Quite the opposite! Our nutritionist Samantha Frost explains the benefits of skipping your daily coffee, and recommends a morning drink that will even convince coffee addicts …

Apr 22, 2022
The 5 Benefits of a Coffee Detox

Why should you give up coffee?

Giving up coffee is a sensitive topic. The drink is so deeply rooted into our society and shapes cultural behavior – after all, there is a reason why “Let’s go for a coffee” is common code for “Let’s meet to have a good time.” Not to forget: Most of us start EVERY day with coffee. Some even say they cannot get stuff done without it. So how is it that more and more health-conscious people recommend SKIPPING it?

If you are still hesitant to try a coffee detox – we get it. Drinking coffee, like a lot of habits or rituals, is a form of comfort. And you’ve probably heard the “you’ll experience more energy”-argument just one too many times. But hear us out. We’ve asked our nutritionist Samantha Frost to explain exactly how less coffee will make you feel more energised, which benefits a coffee detox has that could even persuade you!

Samantha Frost is a recognized specialist in Nutritional and Herbal Medicine, integrated pharmacology, environmental health and community health promotion. As Global Nutrition Lead for Adidas Runners she used to coach athletes around the world how to improve their performance on a plant-based diet. Now, she is the Global Head of Nutrition at Your Super.

Our nutritionist explains the 5 benefits of a coffee detox

1. Less anxiety & stress

Do you ever feel a wave of anxiety after drinking coffee? Caffeine may be the culprit. Research shows that it can take as little as 150mg of caffeine (a small cup of coffee) to induce symptoms of anxiety.

Caffeine is made up of a group of chemicals known as methylxanthine, which are proven to stimulate the central nervous system (CNS) and cardiac muscles. When we lower our caffeine intake, we also lower these stimulations and return our CNS and cardiac muscles back to their resting state.

2. More endurance & energy

Although caffeine is known for its stimulating effects, regular consumption over time can actually lead to maladaptive stress responses such as a feeling of dependency or symptoms of fatigue. Due to its effect as a diuretic, caffeine can also lead to increased losses of water soluble nutrients over time which are the nutrients that need to be continually replenished by our diet, especially during periods of higher energy demands. Coffee doesn’t solve any causes of fatigue or stress – instead, it makes the body less sensitive to feeling how tired it is. This means that drinking coffee can actually lead to more fatigue in the body – you just don’t notice it!

" Many people anticipate feeling better after consuming coffee – more awake, more energised. But the body has the power to make itself feel better if it’s nourished properly. So instead of getting a quick boost from a stimulant drink, why not bring that power back to yourself?! " - Samantha Frost

3. Better sleep

Caffeine alerts the body to pump adrenaline and cortisol, keeping it alert and activating the sympathetic nervous system. Not only does it take hours to wear off, which stops your body from resting, but it can also affect your circadian rhythm, causing disruption in your sleep cycles.

Some people experience disruptions when consuming coffee after 3 pm. These can include delayed bedtime, needing to get up in the night to use the bathroom, feeling too tired to fall asleep and looking for distraction to fall asleep by using technological devices. All this contributes to feeling less refreshed the next day, mainly because the essential sleep time between 1 and 4 am was affected. During this time most of the cellular recovery and muscular regeneration happens in the body.

4. Stable blood sugar (equals less cravings)

As hinted to in the last paragraph, caffeine consumption can interrupt our natural circadian rhythm and therefore appetite signals. Although we go straight to coffee to help us work harder, it might actually be negatively affecting our energy levels. This can lead to dips in blood sugar levels leading us to look for a quick sugar fix, a.k.a. high sugar, easy digestible and soluble snacks. However these only work temporarily and their effects quickly wear off, leading us into an endless loop of energy highs and lows.

5. Healthier teeth

Coffee is highly acidic, may contribute to staining of the teeth, inflammation of the gums and compromised strength of tooth enamel which means it erodes your tooth enamel and stains your teeth with every sip. Reducing coffee intake can contribute to increased Calcium absorption, less teeth staining, reduced inflammation of the gums and supports overall oral health. Leading to a brighter and more confident smile!

The #1 coffee swap our nutritionist recommends for your morning ritual


Preparing your cup of coffee in the morning is a calming ritual for you? The flavours, the texture, the scent? With SUPER BREW the full coffee feeling remains. The combination of lupin and coconut milk provides full roast aroma and a creamy texture. Plus: The mix is rich in essential minerals, amino acids and B vitamins that nourish cells from the inside out. Swap your coffee for Super Brew now!